Sunday, 8 March 2015

Let the Musical Journey begin!

Ever had that one thing you can’t live without. That even as your day is in progress, you would notice if it were missing. It is so special to you that even if your mom grounded you from it you would throw a tantrum. Well some would say candy, chocolate, God ofcorse (not that I can’t live without him, but keep in mind I mean earthly things people). Anyways for me that thing is music. I find my whole life in music. Everything and every moment for me are musically and lyrically induced.

Therefore with no further a due I present to you “Lyrically Narcotic”. This is a blog for all the people out there who can find music to be their comfort, their solace place and their refuge. This is a blog for the one who couldn’t get a break after a long day. This is a blog for the one who got their heart broken without a word to say. This is blog is for the one who woke up feeling blue. This blog is for that beautiful soul reading this; you guessed it, that’s you.

One thing you’ll notice is I love poetry. Most of what you’ll find here are deep inspirational heart felt written poems. I believe that music doesn’t only have to be about sound. It can be found in absolutely anything from lyrics to the sound of water streaming down the river. God created all these natural sounds for us to enjoy so let’s appreciate them.

Secondly there is no such thing as a bad song or bad genre. People tend to only listen to genre their whole life and tend to judge others based on what they listen to. Life shouldn’t be like that because you are closing yourself up to a whole section of the world that you will never experience if you only stick to what you know. We need to learn to appreciate and find beauty in all kinds of genres be it hiphop, rnb, country, alternative rock, hard core rock, afro-pop, jazz, house music and so forth. I mean people always talk about how racism is bad. But one you solely decide to stick to one type of music, that’s being racist. Yes racist to music. Shame on you!

If your one of those people who just got offended by reading that, chillax. Do not fret my mono-musical friend. This blog is here to change that and soon music and lyrics will be your narcotic too.  Reviews on what to listen to for a first timer and if you are seriously into certain type of genres maybe you can find something that interests you. I would totally recommend that you hit follow and let the music adventure begin.